SWAG: T-Shirts, Ball Caps, Buttons

T-Shirts, Ball Caps, Buttons

Ol’ Front Porch Music Festival logo t-shirts and ball caps are now available. Shirts are $25, $30 for long sleeve.

Ball Caps, $20.

The 2023 t-shirt, $20

2022 t-shirt, just $5.

Festival decal/bumper sticker, just $2.

OFPMF bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts (short and long sleeve), and hats help fund the festival. Shirts, hats and bumper stickers are on sale during the festival at the Festival Command Center and Information Booth in the Village Market, South Avenue and Freemason.

You also may order logo merchandise by contacting Trish Mead at 252-675-9818, or tntmead@hotmail.com.

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